Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Band My Music

I really miss my band all in th sudden..I wish to bring real music to what I observed, music to them is all about sound..yes it is..somehow they dont really understand what is music..Music isnt sound..most people agree that music is all about sound produced by musical instrument..sound is a part of Music..To me, music is all about these elements - sound, interpretation of sound, rhythm structure, melody, harmony and all the beauty scenes of sound..its an art that we can see through our eyes..but we can 'see' trough our eyes..i didnt use the word 'hear' bcos everybody can hear music but not all can see the painting of sound..

Today I was thinking about the reasins why I prefer classical music......(blur).......did i spell it reasins? OMG..its reasons actually..hurm..why not jazz? Rock? Anything modern? The way I treat both - modern & classical is different..Im listening to modern genre but hardly for me to fall in love to 'em..I prefer classical because Im not listening to classical but I look trough the sound to see the beauty..what can I see?

Whenever I listen to classical music, I always imagine the colour of the sound that fly over my head (I always feel that..)..enjoying the different colour when an instrument is blend into another..most favourite? I like when an oboe is playing unison with the string..the colour is more expressive..and cute sound when picc/flute blend together with the clarinet and oboe..the phrasing of the melody is another difficulty in the sound art..its not easy to build a strong-beautiful phrasing that can attach to the listener..same part might be played with diff phrasing creating diff feeling and sensitivity. The textures, can be thin or thick, heavy or many thing can be seen in just a movement of a symphony..isnt that beautiful? A piece can bring us into another it captures, and releases..that an exotic feeling..haha..some people say that orchestra is a time it? Its not logical..but I shall agree with that..yala, orchestra can bring us back to the baroque era whenever they play baroque piece..even to romantic era when they play Schumann or Tchaikovsky..haha..

I like the environment and the culture of people in the classical era (i mean, baroque, romantic as well) the time machine can really bring me to that particular time by giving me the exact feeling of the people in that reflexs their culture, ways of thinking and even the is more like a story/movie which we can see the people - a girl in classic dresses, and the environment - like all the rumah lama, its so exciting..tihihi..

What about modern genres? I do enjoy them..they are usefull to relax my mind..listen to classical a whole day can drive me crazy..yala, playing with all emotion in a whole day..macam orang gila..kejap happy, kejap sedih, kejap marah..uh! To me, modern can neutralize (did I spell it right?) my just that I didnt really see the beauty in the timbre..but it is enjoyable..

Actually I wanna talk bout my band..I miss the band..but my mind is cramped! No idea to write bout it..I wish that I can really giving the members some inputs about music because most Malay tend to think that music is something that you can strim with your friend near the road (loafing with pitchy guitars)!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fakulti Muzik

Okay..this is my first post..yg xbesny its not a happy story..satu situasi yang membuat aku rasa tergantung..

At 1st, i thought this sem would be a nice sem (ad subjek gamelan & modern harmony yg sgt dinanti2kan, dppgil dbkl to be in their orchestra, one of my junior joins uitm family)..what a heaven..but, its not happen that way..baru dua mggu mula kuliah dah ada satu isu yg sgt bsr..x bsr pon diperbesarkan..its a about induction..

Induction = Induce (proses memasukkan)

Berdasarkan apa yg aku faham ttg program ni, its a program yg act akan 'menyelaraskan' ego pelajar baru ke tahap yg sepatotnya..thats the big point la..semua bdk2 yg baru msok ni perlu menghadapi program ni..biasanya bdk2 yg baru msok ni, having themselves minded like this-is-my-faculty-now-so-i-hv-the-right, i-can-use-everything-that-provided-here, the facilities etc.(even i did). Yes u are, but must put respect to, im not gonna say seniors, but those who are already here (its like you are adopted into a new family but lots more gotta be done b4 u can really feel that u are part of the family).

Apakah pengisian induction nih? Well, budak yg menjalani induction will be mentally tortured by giving them something that people call reverse-psycology..kna buat mcm2 spt ambik signature pelajar lama more than once (so that diorg btol2 engat few seniors), assignment dikoyak (preparing their mind to adapt with real situation), nyanyi, menari, or whatever (so that people can remember them of what they are doing n merapatkan hubungan antara senior-junior..even kalau msok tentera pon akan ad program mcm ni..kdg2 manusia perlu diingatkan dgn cara yg agak kasar supaya betol2 dapat menyedarkan kumpulan sasaran..think positif bout that..x dinafikan ad keburukan atau, xperlu nk ungkit itu..nothing is perfect..only He, the Almighty is the perfect one.

Dengan adanya induction, senior2 semua jd poyo..ntah tu bukan saja2..ada tujuan (walaupun ad senior yg ala2 amik kesempatan)..let say, budak2 part 1 sah2 akan benci n nk against dengan apa yg senior mintak diorg buat, balik kolej diorg buat pjumpaan n bincang utk itu..there! I can see the unity there! Though diorg pnye kesatuan tu utk menentang senior or menghanjing senior or whateva..but then, at least ad semanagat tu wujud dalam diri..tu yg akan mengikat sesuatu batch..semangat tu penting..itu yg kita nk pupuk..aku dh rasa benda tu..its a skill..its sumthin that we cant see...but its there..its crucial..seriously damn shit important! Semangat dalam batch..when u come into a group, u hv to accept xkira mcm mana pon group tu..maybe xleh sekepala, tp semangat tu bleh ikat group tu utk terus bersatu..sbb tu adlh sesuatu yg Tuhan kurniakan kpd manusia..kalau manusia itu nak memahami benda tu..

(Damn, ntah apa perasaan yg aku rasa skrg! Mcm ada marah..bersalah..terharu..sedih..ish...)..

Keep on talking bout induction..

Dari sudut part 1, sesuatu yg diorg x nampak, ms induction, sbnrny senior sgt bg perhatian kpd junior diorg..xdnafikan ad yg cm nk amik ksempatan suka2 nk buli, tp sbnrny, ms induction la senior bg perhatian..aku rs itu better dr senior lgsung buat bodo..xpenah ada rasa nk amik berat hal adik2..xpnah nk amik tau hal adik2..kan? Thats least pnah wujud tggungjwb tu dlm senior2 thdp junior2..n biasany, org yg pling terok kena boleh jd org yg paling rapat ng senior..well, semua junior patot melalui last day induction..nampak kasih sayang dan kekeluargaan wujud dalam semua budak2 muzik..seswatu yg ckup utk membuatkan junior2 menangis dgn apa yg senior tunjukkan..

Masalah yg berlaku skrg ialah ad pihak yg trus mencemar nama fakulti dgn membawa hal yg remeh ni ke pihak yg tertinggi dalam organisasi sebuah Universiti..itu x sptotny berlaku..3 pihak 3 cerita..aku dengar cerita dr semua pihak, it just the same..A tuduh B, B tuduh C, C tuduh A, pusing2 mcm tu gak..i wont judge anybody bcos there are 3 diff stories..

A org baru bg aku, B adalah masyarakat sosial aku, C adalah kawan2 yg aku respect..mcm mana? Aku x kesa psl A sgt, sbb yg aku amik berat adalah B ng C..sbb isu dr A mengaitkan C..Isu itu againts B..aku rapat dgn B..jg perselisihan faham berlaku antara B ng C..aku jmpa A cerita yg aku dpt x sama dgn cerita B n C..xtau mana hujung mana bdsrkan pendapat aku, C ni ada niat murni thdp fakulti..aku sgt respect n sokong ng pendekatan yg C guna sgt x professional pd level dan keadaan fakulti n masyarakat B..maybe pro pd level C tp x pd level B..seriosly..itu aku kurang setuju..B plak, agak kurang etika dan kurang bijak dalam melakukan sesuatu..C ni plak tersgt beretika..(better to be moderate n not too 'protokol')..

So, skrg aku sedih sbb C yg minoriti ni tlah dihumiliated oleh aku x stuju dgn B..bertindak dgn melakukan seswatu yg x sptotnya dilakukan oleh org yg berakal...yg C plak, prefer utk bergerak sendirian secara ranger n xnak berbincang ng B..i know B may not be good as C, but then it doesnt mean that B is wrong all the time..yadak? X perlula bergerak scr ranger n sntiasa ckp budak B mcm ini, mcm aku, B ng C sama ja..msing2 ad pro n aku lbih suka kalau C mingle more with B n lbih faham habit n fiil B b4 buat judgement or andaian..C minoriti, B majoriti, kalau C nk buat pembaikpulihan or anything pon, C perlu ikut rentak B sbb B ni ramai..C xleh ckp B ni tsgt sosial ke apa2..x mengikut cr hidup beragama ke apa2..this is life man..outside there lg trok..x perlu jgn tepi kain..tu hal masing2..ikut rentak B n buat perubahan tu slow2..dont xpect for drastic or temendous changes from wont happen that way..

So, to me, B ng C msing2 ada salah msing2 ego n aggp msing2 sdg menegakkan keadilan..adil to me is fair to both side..thats it..u cant claim that u are the right side when dealing with sumthing that involve quite a big num of people..

Aku pon dh xtaw apa yg nk aku points is not well organized..i didnt job down or come out with the draft like im doing an BEL311 just that aku nk luahkan pendapat n prasaan..i just wanna get rid of this mix-vege feeling..duh..

Maaf pd yg not in the mood =(

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Was born!!

Sorry, no post for now..just visiting my blog (move in)...come back later.. =)

